BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia:
As the name implie, BPH is the benign enlargement of the prostate that occurs as we age. It is a common process that can lead to bladder outlet obstruction and slowing down of the flow of urine. Symptoms can range from a slight increase in the frequency of daytime +/or night time urination to difficult & slow urination to the complete inability to urinate, (urinary retention).
This is a slow process that begins in the mid 30s and continues as we get older. Some men never develop any significant symptoms, while others begin to experience worsening frequency, urgency and nocturia starting in their 40s and 50s. A good tool for the evaluation of BPH symptoms is the IPSS Score Questionnaire. (you can dowload it, fill it out)
The development of BPH occurs in the same age group as Prostate Cancer, and it can present with similar symptoms. Because of this, it is important that you have a yearly PSA blood test and DRE (digital rectal exam). The DRE will help your urologist asses the size of the prostate and rule out worrisome signs, such as a nodule(s) or asymmetry. The yearly PSA is equally important ,as it can alert your urologist to the possibility of cancer before the PSA reaches the 4.0 cutoff point, if it jumps 0.75 in a year.
Treament options:
Alpha Blockers
Brand: Flomax , Uroxatral, Rapaflo
Genrics: Terazosin, Doxazosin
Brand: Avodart
Generics: Finasteride
GreenLight Laser
Microwave Therapy