The No Scalpel / No Pain Vasectomy
This is not your father’s generation vasectomy, where large incisions were made and you would be bedridden for at least a week. The no scalpel vasectomy is associated with very little to no discomfort and takes about 7 minutes to complete. Valium will help you relax and minimize any discomfort. The lidocaine is injected with a tiny needle. If you would like your wife or significant other to be present in the room during the procedure, that is not a problem.
Why a Vasectomy vs. Tubal Litigation or Birth Control Pills?
- Much less expensive
- Covered by most health insurance plans
- Simple office procedure (vs. general anesthesia in the hospital for a tubal ligation)
- Fast recovery
- Excellent success rate (recanalization rate of less than 1 in 2000)
- Allows your wife to discontinue birth control pills
- Much less discomfort than a tubal ligation
- Does not affect your libido or erectile function
Before the Vasectomy
- Bring jockey style underwear for support
- Take your 1st antibiotic dose 2 hrs before on a full stomach
- Take your Valium 1 hour before the procedure on a full stomach
- Have someone drive you to the office and back
- Shave or clip the front part of the scrotum
- Stop aspirin (any dose) for 7-10 days before
- Stop Plavix 10 days before
- Stop Coumadin 5 days before
After the Vasectomy
- No straining or heavy lifting for the next few days
- Take your pain medication and antibiotics on a full stomach
- Take your pain medication only if having pain
- No ejaculation for 1 week, then twice per week thereafter
- OK to take an NSAID of choice (ie. Aleve, Ibuprofen, etc.) starting the evening of the procedure
- Ok to shower the morning after the vasectomy
- Continue using birth control until you receive a confirmed negative specimen by microscopic examination at 8 weeks